NGM Center of Excellence Kouga


Kouga Incubator

The New Generation Mindset (NGM) is in the process of establishing a SMME HYBRID INCUBATOR in Kouga. This has been informed by, inter alia, the inadequate involvement and participation by local SMMEs during the construction of the Wind Farm Energy Projects and other mega projects in the area. The state of SMME readiness in the Kouga, Cacadu District and greater Eastern Cape has proven to lack required skills that are relevant and demanded by the economic sphere. This incubator is seen as a catalyst that will enable local SMME’s better opportunities and access to the lucrative prospects in the economic sphere. Such opportunities include the Renewable Energy Sector and other related projects. The establishment of the incubator will assist through skills capacity and financial support.

Innovative partnership

This centre will be realised through partnership with ESKOM, the Kouga Municipality and New Generation Mindset. These key stakeholders are collaborating, with the deliberate intention to strengthen Supplier Development and Localisation within these areas. The partnership is aimed at inspiring, empowering, supporting, growing and sustaining SMME’s in Kouga, Cadadu District and Eastern Cape Region at various levels of entrepreneurial sophistication. The range of services that will be made available will include Individual Mastery through to Business Post Investment Support. The support will seek to focus from SMMEs at pre-start up level to mature businesses. The transitional growth levels of the businesses will capacitate them to take advantage of the lucrative prospects around renewable energy and other viable commodities sectors in the economy.

Phase one

The priority of Phase one of the project is to ensure that we up-skill and increase resource capacity for the local SMMEs and unemployed graduates, by focusing on sectors such as Construction and Electrification, IT and Telecommunication. This is to ensure that a pool of required skills compatible to the renewable energy demand and other related commodities within economic sectors is established.  We intend doing this by undertaking a gap analysis between current and future state of the businesses and subsequently determine investment approaches for interventions. Our focus is aligned with government’s objectives for Supplier Development, Industrialisation, Localisation, Job creation and Skills development.

Our impact will be evaluated on a strict metrics model that focuses on specific areas that result in skills development and job creation.  We will also target learners in grades 10 – 12, unemployed graduates as well as survivalist entrepreneurs and provide them with training and mentoring through our programmes. We are confident that our Skills Development strategy execution will enable, develop, grow and sustain our SMME’s. Our programmes aim to develop their technical and business management skills. The growth of the Eastern Cape economy is one that is of vital importance to the region and to South Africa as a whole.  New Generation Mindset aims to contribute to this growth using our business incubator approach that will lead to the realisation of real return on investment, sustainable economic impact and  long term job creation.



Contact Info


Kouga Local Municipality
33 Da Gama road
Jeffreys Bay
South Africa
Tel: +27 042 293 0169
Email: [email protected]



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