SMME Development

Many SMMEs are good at what they do; however, they become overwhelmed by the necessary tasks required to run their businesses. At NGM, we feel that the back-end systems and procedures are one of the most important parts of a business. The quality of your systems can mean either the success or the failure of your business. We provide customized business systems that help your business run more efficiently and help ensure your company's success.sWe take time to learn about your unique business. Only then are we ready to develop a winning system that is easy, cost efficient, and designed to meet your primary goals. Among our many services, we offer:
  •Accounting and Bookkeeping
  • Desktop Publishing
  •App and Web Development

The SMME Development Division provides a range of start-up support services to SMMEs who find it difficult to move from informal trading to formal participation in the local economic sectors which they want to serve.The NGM support to our client SMME entrepreneurs also extends to funding support and this has seen us seeking out equity and loan finance (Angel Investors), as well as hands-on support, business guidance and skills transfer to black-owned and managed SMMEs.

More recently, we have become active in the supply and preservation of energy and green funding. This new funding support strategy aims to target investment opportunities that mitigate carbon emissions, reduce energy and water consumption, and improve waste and emissions management. It aims to empower entrepreneurs and SMMEs to operate in the green economy.